Sunday, February 17, 2019

GameStop Convention Exclusive Infinity Gauntlet Set

I don't know about you, but I'm super excited for Avengers: Endgame! Over the holidays I saw this Avengers Summer Convention Exclusive Tsum Tsum set at GameStop one weekend when they were having a sale, so I grabbed it. I've been obsessing over it ever since! The set is sold out online but you may be able to pick it up from your local GameStop like I did. It retails at $19.99.

The set has 5 figures plus the Infinity Gauntlet: a mini Tsum of Doctor Strange, Spider-Man and Thor, a medium Tsum of the Hulk, and a large Tsum of Thanos. The infinity Gauntlet lights up when you push the button and one Tsum can sit on the top. I can't decide if I want to leave it in the box or take it out. What do you think?